3d sickness fallout4 setting camera
Frame rate variability can lead to disorientation. I searched a bit and didnt see any recent topics on the subject so I figured Id update the discussion. Till Fallout 4 Had A Full Side Quest Which The Sole Survivor Was Supposed To Go To Underwater Exploration R Fo4 For others its caused by the inconsistent frametime when turning. . Anyone got any idea what is different in fallout4 compare. And add this under the camera section. Turning the sensitivity down makes it easier to do smoother more precise movements without the sudden lurching of the camera back and forth. Im not finding a head bob option on F4 there is is SSE but it may have been in an update. Bethesda for making Fallout 4 and the Creation Kit. Skyrim still looks amazing on lower detail settings and the improvement in frame rate can help with motion sickness. The head bobbing makes this game difficult to play for more than 30 minutes without fee...